Security BSides – A Brief History

Security BSides – A Brief History

This Saturday the 20th Security BSides Athens 2020 is going to take place. This year, due to the health precautions the event evolved from a physical event to a virtual one on line. For those already attending well done, for the rest of you that you are thinking about...

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June – LGBTQ+ Pride Month

June – LGBTQ+ Pride Month

If you are not living under a stone, or practising some kind of media blackout, you must be aware that the month of June has been recognised as LGBTQ+ pride month. What you might not know is why as a society we picked June to commemorate the LGBTQ+’s fight for social...

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Things to do at Home – Board Games for Two

Things to do at Home – Board Games for Two

The past few months we did books (Sci-fi, Hacker), we did movies (Sci-fi, Hacker, Pandemic), and we did video games (Programming, Hacker). So, we think it is about time to change the subject altogether and this time around to focus on board games. This particular time...

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